Saturday, November 20, 2010

Trabant Safari!!

The Trabant was a fine piece of East German manufacturing. The car was driven by the East German Polizei (Police).

You can now rent the car from Trabant Safari, however it is not exactly the most comfortable vehicle! The vehicle remains popular among tourists due to a phenomenon known as "Ostalgia"(Nostalgia for the East).

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Recession? Not for everyone

Does the recession really affect you? Recession and government expenditure is the hot topic at the moment. Talk of the recession has almost replaced “the weather” as the main means of instigating a conversation with a stranger in the street or in the pub.

However many who speak about how “terrible” the recession are people who have remained in employment throughout the period and enjoy a “Celtic Tiger” quality of life. I am not trying to downplay the recession and the effect it has had on people’s lives. The dole queues and the weekly going away party for those emigrating are enough proof of this.

An enormous amount of wealth remains in the country. Despite record unemployment rates and government plans to cut €6 billion from the budget, our country, has the second highest GDP per capita in the EU. Perhaps this is the greatest difference between this recession and previous ones. Previous recessions affected all corners of Irish society. This recession is cruel and selective ignoring many of the wealthy in Ireland.

Saturday, October 30, 2010



I am a postgraduate studying E-Commerce (MSc. E-Commerce) in DCU . I am currently taking part in the Inter-Generational Learning Project (ILP). As part of the project I am learning how to write blogs.

As suggested by my username I am from County Meath.

Happy Halloween,
